
January 30, 2015

Moving Day

Well, I wrapped up my move to Squarespace today. As a bonus, I think I may have even managed to do so without breaking my feed. I did notice, however, a few old posts resurfaced as unread” in my reader. Sorry about that.

January 22, 2015

Just in case I break my RSS feed…

I’m planning to move this site from Wordpress to Squarespace in the very near future. In the event that I manage to break my RSS feed, you will be able to re-subscribe at Of course, this link won’t go live until I pull the trigger on the move.

Well, here goes…

January 21, 2015

Wading into the Standing Desk Kiddie Pool

You’ve probably heard by now that sitting is killing you, right? Sitting is the new smoking.”

This is a Sitting Free Zone.”

Friends don’t let friends work sitting.”

Think before sitting.”

This is your brain. This is your brain on sitting.”

Well, I’m convinced and ready to start standing with the cool kids. In addition to the health benefits, I also find that I’m much more focused and productive while standing. Sitting less will likely be just as good for my work as it will be for my body.

Unfortunately, we’re talking about a fairly cost-prohibitive endeavor here. Have you priced standing desks lately? An entry-level standing desk can easily set you back several hundred dollars. Want an adjustable desk that offers a sitting position too? That’ll cost you even more.

So before taking the plunge, I’m going to get my feet wet and wade into the standing desk kiddie pool for a while. I’m planning to make my first-ever IKEA visit this week and while I’m there I’ll be picking up supplies to build my very own Standesk 2200.

Twenty two bucks seems reasonable for a standing desk experiement and, assuming it goes well, I’ll consider making another trip to IKEA in the future.

January 14, 2015

What’s So Great About AeroPress?

Shawn Blanc:

In short, the AeroPress hype is real. If you like variety then the AeroPress lets you mix it up. If you mostly prefer this or that type of coffee, you can find a great way to brew it with the AeroPress. Regardless of the coffee beans or the style of coffee you prefer, there’s a good way to brew it with the AeroPress.

I finally got my hands on an AeroPress a couple of years ago for Father’s Day and I’ve never looked back. It’s my favorite way to make coffee and I’m thinking about getting a second one to keep at my office.

December 31, 2014

The Manger Throne

The well-known Christmas song, What Child Is This, was written by William Chatterton Dix, an insurance company manager in Scotland in 1865. The lyrics were based upon his poem, The Manger Throne:

Like silver lamps in a distant shrine, The stars are sparkling bright The bells of the city of God ring out, For the Son of Mary is born to-night. The gloom is past and the morn at last Is coming with orient light.

Never fell melodies half so sweet As those which are filling the skies, And never a palace shone half so fair As the manger bed where our Saviour lies; No night in the year is half so dear As this which has ended our sighs.

Now a new Power has come on the earth, A match for the armies of Hell: A Child is born who shall conquer the foe, And all the spirits of wickedness quell: For Mary’s Son is the Mighty One Whom the prophets of God fortell.

The stars of heaven still shine as at first They gleamed on this wonderful night; The bells of the city of God peal out And the angels’ song still rings in the height; And love still turns where the Godhead burns Hid in flesh from fleshly sight.

Faith sees no longer the stable floor, The pavement of sapphire is there The clear light of heaven streams out to the world And the angels of God are crowding the air, And heaven and earth, through the spotless birth Are at peace on this night so fair.

I hope that your Christmas season has been worshipful and joy-filled.

December 26, 2014