Leaders Who Last in Lincoln

One of the great blessings that has come from these past eight months in the Resurgence Training Center (Re:Train) Missional Leadership Program has been the opportunity to spend time with my cohort leader, Pastor Dave Kraft. Dave is, without a doubt, one of the wisest men I have ever met. He has decades of leadership and ministry experience under his belt, has a heart for investing in and developing young leaders, and continues to humbly learn and grow in Christlikeness himself, even to this day.

Dave recently began traveling around the country, speaking at seminars that bear the name of his book, Leaders Who Last. His travels will soon bring him to Lincoln, NE as 2 Pillars Church will be sponsoring a Leaders Who Last Seminar. Here is a brief description from the 2PC blog:

Dave Kraft, Pastor at Mars Hill Church, Director of Leadership Development and Coaching at The Resurgence, and author of #1 Christian Leadership book Leaders Who Last, is traveling around the country with the goal of helping develop leaders. 2 Pillars Church is proud to announce that he will be making a stop in Lincoln, NE on April 30.

Join us as Pastor Dave leads a one-day seminar based upon his book. The seminar will include large group presentations, Q&A, small group discussions and application.

The event is for any ministry or church leader — from volunteers to pastors. If you are a leader or a leader of leaders then consider joining us on April 30th.

For further details and event registration information, read the entire post HERE.

If you are a ministry leader and live within a driving distance of Lincoln, then I encourage you to consider spending April 30 with Dave Kraft and other area leaders. It will surely be a value investment of your time.

Are you planning to attend the Leaders Who Last Seminar in Lincoln or elsewhere? Have you read the book? Comment below.

March 29, 2011