eBook Deal: To Live Is Christ to Die Is Gain

To Live Is Christ to Die Is Gain

To Live Is Christ to Die Is Gain by Matt Chandler and Jared Wilson is currently free.

Pick it up for Kindle or iBooks.

July 15, 2014

2 Pillars in the Park

2 pillars in the park poster - color

Big day tomorrow:

July 12, 2014

Secrets Your Pastor’s Wife Wishes You Knew

Christina Stolaas shares Nine Secrets Your Pastor’s Wife Wishes You Knew:

I’ve sat for coffee, exchanged emails and had lengthy conversations with many who freely shared their secrets with me in exchange for the promise of anonymity. What follows is a condensed collection of their words.


July 10, 2014

One Way to God?

David Platt:

Once we realize the whole story, we realize the question is not, Why is there only one way?” The question is now, Why is there any way at all?”

(via Justin Taylor)

July 9, 2014

eBook Deal: Theologians on the Christian Life

Books from Crossway’s Theologians on the Christian Life” series are on sale right now for $1.99:

July 7, 2014

The Church Isn’t a Building

A post from the 2 Pillars blog.

June 28, 2014