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November 5, 2013

App Fatigue

Chris Bowler:

But if there’s one thing I do not appreciate about Apple, it is their drive — and ability — to promote perceived obsolescence.

November 4, 2013

Prayer for Coram Deo

Join me in praying for this potential future home for Coram Deo, our sister church in Omaha.

October 31, 2013

From Most Lucrative to Least Lucrative in One Major Change

The Most and Least Lucrative College Majors

Yesterday my wife sent me a link to an NPR Planet Money blog post which highlights the most and least lucrative college majors.

She sent me the post because the major I began college with, Chemical Engineering, and the major I ended with, Religious Studies, are both represented in NPRs graphs.

You’ll notice I moved from one extreme to the other in a decidedly southward direction.

We had a good laugh about it—she obviously didn’t marry me for my money or earning potential.

October 23, 2013

Link List for October 22, 2013

OS X 10.9 Mavericks: The Ars Technica Review | Ars Technica Apple made OS X Mavericks available today as a free upgrade. Read John Siracusa’s comprehensive review.

Mac Power Users 160: Getting Ready for Mavericks

While we’re talking about Mavericks, consider giving this episode of Mac Power Users a listen before you pull the trigger on the upgrade.

7 Arrows for Bible Reading | Trevin Wax

A helpful tool for understanding the Bible and knowing how to apply it to your life.

10 Productivity Experiments for Pastors | Pastoralized

Lots of great suggestions here. Not just for pastors.

The Art and Science of the Humblebrag | Tim Challies

Have you managed to get thousands of people to follow you on Twitter or friend you on Facebook? Do you need to keep reminding them why you are worthy of their attention? Let me offer you some ways you can grow in the art and science of the humblebrag.”

So good.

Your Pastor Needs YOU!

David Kraft suggests six ways you can support your church’s pastors and leaders.

October 22, 2013

Strange Fire Link List

John MacArthur’s Strange Fire conference stirred up quite a bit of debate and controversy over the weekend. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, a quick Twitter search should do the trick. I’m sure the #strangefire hashtag is still going relatively strong. Now, the downside to the internet is that much of this debate and controversy is public. On the other hand, the upside to the internet is that much of this debate and controversy is public.

So, for my own reading and study purposes, I’ve put together a collection of links to all things Strange Fire. If you’re interested in following the discussion or doing some personal study and exploring the topic on your own, then check out the list. You’ll find material from both the cessationist and continuationist standpoints. This is a running list and I will continue to add to it until I get bored or all the bloggers move on.

Finally, before you dive in, hear Thabiti Anyabwile’s wise counsel:

So, whether you’ve watched the live feeds or not, whether you’ve read multiple volumes on the debate or not, I hope you care about these things. I hope you’re following with careful concern to know the truth rather than to vindicate your party. I hope you’re listening with rapt attention because you’re eager to hear God’s voice more clearly and to walk with your Savior more closely. Even the thoughts of folks who get some things wrong can help us to do that if we’re discerning and humble beneath God’s word.

October 21, 2013