Nest Protect
Wow, the folks at Nest have done it again:
Safety shouldn’t be annoying.
We all know why smoke alarms are torn off the ceiling or missing batteries: because every time you make stir-fry, the smoke alarm cries wolf. Or just as you’re falling asleep, you hear a low-battery chirp. They’ve become annoying. And that’s a safety issue.
According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), almost two-thirds of US home fire deaths happened in homes with no smoke alarm or no working smoke alarm.
So we made something new. Meet the Nest Protect smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarm.
Nest Protect in a sentence:
We made a smoke and CO alarm you’ll love, because hating it is dangerous.
Until seeing this, I never imaged someone would utter the words, “I love my smoke alarm.”
It’ll cost you though. They aren’t giving these things away.
Link List for September 28th, 2013
How Should a Suit Fit? Your Easy-to-Follow Visual Guide
If you’re going to suite up, then make sure it fits correctly.
If you write using Markdown, then you should consider picking up Brett Terpstra’s Marked 2. This latest release includes a number of improvements upon his original Marked app, including Scrivener support.
A Conflict of Christian Visions: Gen. 1-2 vs. Gen. 3 Christianity
Anthony Bradley challenges Christians to think about the nature of the gospel and our role in stewarding God’s desire for creation. Dr. Bradley:
In the end, the Gen 1 and 2 framework sees the missionary mandate and the commission to create and steward cultures that glorify God as a “both/and” while the Gen 3 framework tends to see the missionary disciple-making mandate exclusively as the Christian’s main concern. For Gen 3ers, the cultural emphasis is merely an implication or application of the gospel as opposed to the restoration of creation as something to which the gospel directly points.
Introducing Evernote for Salesforce
I’m really excited about this partnership.
A Beginner’s Guide to Pinboard
Shawn Blanc offers some great tips for using Pinboard, which has been my preferred bookmarking service for some time now. The title of the post says “Beginners Guide,” but there’s some good stuff here for more advanced users as well.
Jonathan Dodson Weekly Sermon Prep Rhythms
Jonathan Dodson, lead pastor of City Life Church in Austin, TX, recently sat down with John Chandler as a guest on the SermonSmith podcast to discuss his weekly sermon prep rhythms.
The Joy of the Lord
Matthew Henry:
The joy of the Lord will arm us against the assaults of our spiritual enemies and put our mouths out of taste for those pleasures with which the tempter baits his hooks.
The Science of What Makes an Introvert and an Extrovert
There are a lot of misconceptions out there about introversion and extroversion. Take a look at what science has to say about the two.