Race & the Christian

Last night I had a chance to watch this video from a March 2012 event at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. From the Redeemer website:

John Piper and Tim Keller, two white pastor-scholars who think we should be talking about race, will discuss Race and the Christian’ at the Ethical Culture Society on Wednesday, March 28, at 7:00 p.m. Speaking from their experiences ministering in multi-ethnic urban contexts for a combined 60 years, they will examine the individual and structural roots of racism and make a case for the pursuit of ethnic harmony from a gospel perspective. Their conversation will be moderated by Anthony Bradley, Professor at King’s College and author of Black and Tired.

Watch this—all of it. It’s well worth your time.

September 5, 2013

48 Hours

August 29, 2013

Giving Voicemail the Boot

Jamie Todd Rubin:

I find voicemail to be a cumbersome, awkward tool that is no longer particularly convenient either for me, or the person trying to reach me. These days, a text message or email message is likely to get a much faster response.

Leaving a voicemail is easily the least effective way to get in touch with me. Many of those who call me often have caught on to this and typically shoot a text message my way if I don’t answer.

Unfortunately, getting rid of voicemail completely isn’t a viable option for me. Maybe someday…

August 28, 2013

Mistakes Young Preachers Make

So much wisdom and encouragement here.

August 26, 2013

What is the Acts 29 Church Planting Network?

Over the past several months, the fundraising process has given me numerous opportunities to tell people about the Acts 29 Network. In the above video, Matt Chandler, current Acts 29 President, gives a succinct explanation of what Acts 29 is and what Acts 29 is about.


August 20, 2013



The original home of 2 Pillars Church.

It’s hard to believe that we’ve been at our new location for over a year now.

August 9, 2013